- It was founded on 15 July 1990 with the headquarters of Rome by lawyer Adriana Boscagli.
- The start-up was possible thanks to previous experience, the generous will and passion for the law, the tenacity and sensitivity of the precise task of the rules in the legal system.
- The spirit of initiative, the passion for the sense of justice and the conviction of the deep sense of order were the engines of research and development.
- The study was enriched with knowledge and experience thanks to the relationships, occasional and not, with important figures in the development of the country.
- From the beginning he cultivated contractual experience in every civil field, dealing with disposals and purchases of complex assets.
- With international experience combined with national ones, he oversaw specialisation in copyright and intellectual property as a whole, along with the protection of trademarks and patents.
- He then deepened the research and study following the increasingly emerging need to protect professional and medical responsibilities. Hence a significant development of interests has turned towards the pharmaceutical sector.
- The Italian reality was increasingly manifesting the need for protection for families, then provoked a special interest in the protection of people and therefore of the right of family and minors.
- The total baggage of the experiences has allowed competent access to the protection of inheritances, dealing with the hereditary division of important Italian assets.
- Over the years, the study includes significant Supreme Court rulings that have validated the interpretation of legal norms in the matter of the rights of the person and the family.
- Since 1995, the Firm has had an office in Milan in the central area
- Legal activities for the Center-North of Italy are followed from here